Where can I ship to?

You can send your packages to Denmark and...

...as well more than 200 other near and distant countries when using Www.pakke.dk
Www.pakke.dk offers more than 200 different destinations through our system
You see easily on the front which countries we can help you to send to. Click on the green arrow under "Where are your package going to" then you can drop down list to quickly see all the countries that we offer to send to.
Once you've booked your shipment online with us we'll pack with you
Then shall our cooperation partners who are among the leaders in the global courier market to your package arrive safely even to the remotest places in the world
Info: Www.pakke.dk have sent a package with a book to the Dalia Lama in such a remote location in Himalayas that the package had to be carried the last stretch up the mountain by foot